Umbrella Christmas Event 2021

Last week Umbrella staff and board members got together to celebrate the festive season with a night of food, fun and laughter. We had a fantastic dinner at the Delta Ocean Point resort and spent the evening chatting, connecting and heckling Blake who took on the MC roll...

Evan’s night out – Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who chipped in to give Evan a gift of thanks on his last day at Umbrella! This week, he had a blast in Vancouver at a Canucks game with his son. And while the games score did not reflect their enjoyment, Evan was extremely touched by the thoughtfuln...

Happy 1 year Colin!

We could not be more proud of Colin, an Umbrella Supportive Recovery Housing resident, who recently celebrated one year of sobriety and active recovery. Through his connection with other residents and his dedication to doing the work, Colin has shown that recovery is pos...

Lighthouse Pumpkin Carving

Not to be left out, the residents and staff over at Lighthouse had a great time this weekend carving pumpkins for Halloween. Creative and spooky fun was had by all. What a great way to celebrate together. [caption id="attachment_4800" align="aligncenter" width="225"]...

Indigenous Healing Ceremonies

Umbrella is pleased to have our Indigenous Outreach Team be a part of the healing ceremonies taking place at he R0yal Jubilee All Nations Healing Room. These ceremonies consist of traditional smudging blessings, burning of sage/cedar, drumming and smudging. Pictured bel...

Happy Halloween!

We love holidays at Umbrella. Any chance to decorate, celebrate, eat candy and carve pumpkins is a fun time! This year we brought pumpkins to some of our transitional housing sites and to Foundation House and our amazing Angels brought pumpkins to Potter and Cooper Hous...


Happy Thanksgiving from the board and staff at Umbrella. We hope everyone takes time to reflect on things they are thankful for, no matter how small.

Our busy girl Lyca

There is no greater love than that of a dog, and Lyca has so much love to give. This lucky girl has more than a dozen humans who love, walk and spoil her. The guys at the house do the day to day stuff, but the previous residents, resident's moms and staff all come and t...

Join our team!

Umbrella is hiring! If you have ever considered working in the mental health and addiction field then now is your chance. Umbrella has a great team and we want you to be a part of it. Umbrella is looking for kind, compassionate individuals to join us, please check out ...

Truth and Reconcilliation Day

Thursday, September 30 is Truth and Reconciliation Day. Umbrella will be closed to give each of our employees time to reflect and deepen our understanding and honour indigenous residential school survivors, their familiies and communities.