Drop-In Session
Many seeking treatment and other services face a serious obstacle in lengthy wait-times for addiction services. For instance, due to high demand, delays are not uncommon to access an outreach worker who can make a referral to treatment or other services. Then, it can take several weeks, and sometimes months, for a public bed to come available. To expedite this process, Umbrella has created Drop-In Sessions staffed by experienced Umbrella outreach workers, the Drop-In Sessions allows those currently unconnected to outreach a ‘jump start’ in the referral process or get immediate connection to an outreach worker. .
The Drop-In Session staff provide a variety of services including referrals to residential treatment, Detox, B.C. Housing, and supportive recovery, as well as applications for Life Passes. Umbrella workers will also discuss at length the available treatment options to find the perfect fit, and go over funding options to ensure the relevant expenses are covered. Any other concerns or questions a participant might have relevant to the resources accessed through the Drop-In Sessions will also be fielded.
Those wishing to access our Drop-In Sessions can come to our Bridge Street office Monday through Friday from 9-4pm.