BBQ for Evan

Today we celebrated Evan! Next week is Evan's 10 years with Umbrella, but he will be away, so we celebrated early. We had family, friends and employees all gather for a bbq at Umbrella headquarters. Trevor manned the bbq and we had Evan trivia that went a lightening ro...

Podcast Season 2/E7 – Kristin

In today’s episode, the last episode of 2023, Blake sits down with Kristin, a member of our board and a member of this year’s recovery campaign. Kristin shares her story along with some thoughts on substance use in the trades and systemic changes that need to happen to be...

We are 23!!!

It was November 20, 2023 when Umbrella was founded. Starting with our outreach program, it was one person in recovery helping another person with their own recovery journey. Today, Umbrella has grown and we support thousands of people per year through a number of progra...

Recovery Month – Kristin

September is recovery month! Every year Umbrella celebrates this important month by sharing messages of recovery from some of our favourite people. Meet Kristin. Kristin and her husband own Banyan Construction and Kristin is also a scientist. She holds a B Sc from UVI...

Recipes for Recovery – Last Practice

Today was the final run through of new recipes and we included our ED and Board today. Today board members Valerie, Cyndi, Wendy and Nancy and ED Sharlene joined Nic as he helped make three delicious vegan meals. Everyone had a ton of fun than everyone sat down and tri...

Join our Board.

Umbrella is looking to grow our Board of Directors. Two of our current directors have reached their six year time commitment and are moving on. The right applicants are curious, kind and committed to the work of Umbrella. If you are interested in being apart of an amaz...

AGM 2023

On June 14, Umbrella hosted our Annual General Meeting. We were thrilled to have so many of our members, community partners, funders and supporters in attendance. Our key note speaker, MLA Grace Lore, spoke about Umbrella and our importance to the community and our othe...

Happy Star Wars Day!

May the Fourth be with you all! Today on Star Wars Day, Umbrella is taking advantage of this day and celebrating in a huge way! We made an Ewok cheeseball, Wookie Cookies and Star Wars Cupcakes, plus, we were stocked with Star Wars candy and puns! The light sabres are ...

Christmas Party 2022

Last night Umbrella staff and board kicked off December with our annual Christmas party. It isn't often the board and staff all get together so we like to do it up right when we can! We love seeing our fellow co-workers dressed up and having fun. So many sparkles! Lots...

Truth & Reconciliation Day

September 30 is Truth and Reconciliation Day. Umbrella will be closed so we can honour and remember all of the children who went to school and didn't come home, as well as their families who survived these atrocities. We at Umbrella are committed to do more toward real...