Oh Christmas Tree!

The residents at Foundation House did a great job decorating the house and this beautiful tree we purchased from our friends at Anawim House. Pictured below is Warren, our senior resident, showing off the final results. It is going to be a very Merry Christmas!

What A Treat!

Our monthly staff meeting was pleasantly interrupted this week. We were all delighted to received a chocolate dipped fruit bouquet created by Edible Arrangements. The bouquet was sent to us by a grateful parent to celebrate the second year of sobriety for her son. ...

Bowling…Umbrella style

Today was Umbrella'a annual staff Christmas lunch and afternoon of fun! We divided into two teams, ate and bowled. Sharlene, Evan, Louise, Angela and Lesley won!

Fare Thee Well Jason

At Umbrella, we work together, a tight knit team who support each other through the good and bad times. It's always hard to see one of us go. Today is Jason's last day as an Umbrella employee. We will all miss his fantastic wit, giving spirit and wicked memes. We are s...

Quadra Village Community Centre

Did you know that the Umbrella Society's office is located at the Quadra Village Community Centre? QVCC has been a major supporter of the work that Umbrella does and we couldn't be more grateful. While strolling the halls at the office we noticed that the community closet...

Congratulations Lesley!

All of us at Umbrella are very proud of Lesley as she received the Greater Victoria Police Department award for Mental Health from Camosun College today. Lesley has been with us for a few months on our SAMI team, and she brings kindness, compassion and hope to the team, ...

TJ Update

TJ is dressed for the grey weather and continue to brighten the lives of our Foundation House residents. While still nervous of new people, TJ continues to win everyone over with his gentle nature.

Local Films Supporting Umbrella

Local film makers Brent Lanyon (The Woman Down the Lane) and Mike Stevens (Dee) will be screening their new films on Saturday, November 25th at 12pm at the Roxy Theater. The screening will be by donation and Umbrella is thrilled to have been selected as the benefa...

Hudson House

Today Umbrella officially took over Hudson House and we couldn't be more excited! We look forward to working with the women in the house on their long term life and recovery goals and are proud to support them on their journey.

Pumpkin carving

Our annual pumpkin carving at Foundation House was a big success again this year. Not all the guys participated but it was fun for those that did. Happy Halloween!