Congratulations Amy

The whole Umbrella team is so proud of Amy and her graduation from the Mental Health and Addictions program at Camosun. She is a huge asset to the SAMI team and we appreciate all the hard work and dedication it has taken for her to become the capable and effective outreac...

AGM 2018

  It was with so much pride that Umbrella shared our year of successes at our 2018 Annual General Meeting last night. The intimate event took place in the community space generously provided to us by Uptown. We were honoured to have Echo Kulpas, Coordinator of Acce...

Evan, the actor

It is never the same day twice at Umbrella, and today was no different. Evan took a break from helping clients to play the part of a hospital patient in a video being created to honour Dr. Ramm Herring at an upcoming award ceremony. This work can be difficult, challengi...

Let there be cake

At our last staff meeting of every month, we celebrate birthdays, milestones and our team. All of us at Umbrella love a lot of things, with cake on top of the list! Happy birthday to Bronwyn and Angela - cake made by Sharlene, decorated by Robyn.

ASIST Workshop

This past weekend Amy and Conor got to attend the ASIST workshop at the Foundry. ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) is a two-day skills-building workshop that prepares caregivers and community members of all kinds to provide suicide first aid interventi...

Living Wage Employer

The Umbrella Society is proud to be a Living Wage Employer and this beautiful certificate on the wall is a regular reminder that investing in our staff will never be a bad idea. This certificate was made from a wind fallen tree and carefully preserved to make sure that i...

Bronwyn’s Day

Yesterday was Administrative Professionals Day, although Umbrella refers to it as Bronwyn's Day. Our team took advantage of this day to celebrate Bronwyn with a cake, card and a fun afternoon of learning. We couldn't do the work we do without Bronwyn, she is the backbon...

15 Amazing Years!

Our end of the month staff meetings are always exciting. It's there that we celebrate all the best parts of the past month. And what could be greater than one of our favorite people living 15 amazing years of sobriety! We are so proud of Louise and grateful that she sh...

Playoff Tickets

It's no secret that we love the Royals. So when Devin from their office got in touch and asked us to do the Chuck a Puck draw this Saturday, we couldn't say no! Staff and volunteers will be roaming the arena on Saturday night, so come say hi! But not only that, we have t...

Pie and benefits

Today, was a fabulous day at Umbrella. Not only did Bronwyn make a delicious apple pie, but we met our new insurance provider to learn about our staff benefits package that begins April 1. The team are all very pleased and everyone is looking forward to getting their te...