Housing Provider of the Year!!

On Sunday, November 17 Umbrella was awarded the Housing Provider of the Year award! Sharlene and Blake, Housing Manager, were at the event to accept the award. This is a true honour to be recognized for our housing program, the staff, board and all our residents are gra...

TJ and Lyca meet!

  Today we had to take some stuff over to Cooper House and thought it would be fun to bring Lyca over to meet TJ. Lyca was sniffing the house like crazy but couldn't find TJ right away. She headed upstairs and found TJ sleeping on his persons bed and initially TJ was...

Lyca’s holiday

Lyca is having a vacation away from Foundation House this week. Bronwyn took Lyca to Gabriola Island to hang out with Walter and some kids. Reports are that Lyca is having a great time, has checked out the area pretty thoroughly and has chased all the balls that have be...

United Way Visit

Today members of the United Way team popped by Foundation House to chat with us about the great work Umbrella is doing in the community. The United Way has been a huge support of Umbrella and we always look forward to opportunities to chat with them and express our thank...

Lyca & the new office

Today Umbrella got the keys to our new office. We brought Lyca to check it out, and she loves the carpet, and the office! We officially move next week and we can't wait to have Lyca hang with us each day.

Happy 4th to us!

It was four years ago today that we took over the operations of Foundation House, our first recovery house. We have learned a lot, grown a lot, laughed a lot, cried a lot and helped a lot of people, including our 4-legged residents - Cali, TJ and now Lyca. We are now in...


The best part of having dogs in our recovery houses is that the staff can sneak them away for walks and love. Today Bronwyn took Lyca for a walk and to the water, and she clearly enjoyed the view. We love our house dogs!

New staff, new photos

It was time to update our team photos again, so we arranged the talented Erin Ruff, from Erinruffphotography.com to capture our awesome team. If you are looking for a great photographer that is easy to work with and takes amazing shots, we happily recommend Erin! We als...

Doggy updates!

Lyca and TJ updates. Two of our supportive recovery houses for men have also become home to two, very sweet, rescue dogs. Lyca, living at Foundation House continues to greet everyone each time the door to the house opens ... and that door opens a lot! She loves all the...