Albina Team

One of the transitional housing sites Umbrella works at, Albina, is staffed by two of Umbrella's finest - Josh and Sean. Alongside our friends at Our Place, this site has incredible residents, lots of engagement and participation and a whole lotta  fun. On Christmas, th...

Thank you Courtnall Society

Umbrella is incredibly grateful to be a grant recipient from the Courtnall Society again this year. Bruce and Cassie came to Umbrella's office to present Jake with the funds. We were told to apply the funds to the area of most need, and because Umbrella is ramping up ou...

Thank you Times Colonist

Yesterday, Ian from the Sovereign Order of St John delivered a generous check, on behalf of the Sovereign Order and the Times Colonist to Evan at Umbrella. These funds will be used to offset the rising costs of food at our recovery houses, which allows us to continue to ...

Happy 3 years Nathaniel

What a milestone! Last night Zack and Potter House residents celebrated Nathaniel. Nathaniel reached three years in recovery and all of us at Umbrella  are incredibly proud of Nathaniel. That is three years of Nathaniel investing in himself and prioritizing his recover...

Christmas Party 2023

Last night was Umbrella's annual Christmas party. Well, it was more of a dinner, we aren't really partiers! Our emcee Blake faced his arch nemesis "the only works half  the time microphone" but nailed the emcee duties as always. Santa made an appearance, he had thinned...

We are 23!!!

It was November 20, 2023 when Umbrella was founded. Starting with our outreach program, it was one person in recovery helping another person with their own recovery journey. Today, Umbrella has grown and we support thousands of people per year through a number of progra...

What a night!

Last night there was an reception for Premiere Eby and Umbrella was invited to attend. Typically Sharlene and Evan attend these events, but Sharlene was in Fort St John visiting her daughter and asked Rebecca to join Evan. Rebecca nailed it! Some of our favourite people...

F*cking washcloths

These are special F$CK'n washcloths... Inspired during a long weekend trail run (as one typically is), Jen Harrison and Silvia Fehr were struck with a bold and somewhat non-conventional fundraising idea. "Let's knit and sell washcloths with...

Sovereign Order of St John

Yesterday Umbrella was grateful to receive a generous check to help fund our popular Recipes for Recovery program. The Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem Knights Hospitaller does amazing work in our community, and has for the past 1000 years! Incredible! Mary and ...

So many supplies!

Yesterday, Umbrella had to pick up a pallet of supplies from the hospital and transport them to one of our sites. We didn't realize how much there was until Jake barely fit in the car with all the boxes! Don't worry, safety was in check and he was seat belted in!