April 27 is Adminstrative Professionals Day in Canada and we at Umbrella never miss this important day!
Our admin team is the heart and soul of Umbrella and we can’t imagine where we would be without their hard work and committment.
Simply put, we couldn’t do our jobs without them.
This year each our admin received a beautiful orchid for their desk, some delicious Starbucks coffee and yummy cinnamon buns from Cinnzeo in Hillside Mall.
A shout out to Cinnzeo! Jake told them we had to get cinnamon buns because they are absolutely delicious and our staff love them, when he told them where we were from they threw in cheese buns too!
Thank you Cinnzeo!!

Sarah our Program Admin

Brianna, our Timekeepers orchid

Ashmita our Receptionist

Bronwyn our Office Manager

Delicious buns from Cinnzeo!

Blake back from the Starbucks run for the Admin ladies.