Angela’s Send Off

Today, the team at Umbrella wished Angela well as she embarks on new adventures and challenges. Angela has resigned from her position with Umbrella and we took some time today to give her a proper Umbrella send off. The staff meeting today was reflective and celebratory...

SMART Recovery

Umbrella is excited to announce that we are hosting a weekly SMART recovery meeting at our office starting Wednesday, August 21 at 12noon to 1:30. This drop in recovery support group is welcome to all and is facilitated by Lesley and Adrian. Lesley has been faciliating ...

Lyca’s holiday

Lyca is having a vacation away from Foundation House this week. Bronwyn took Lyca to Gabriola Island to hang out with Walter and some kids. Reports are that Lyca is having a great time, has checked out the area pretty thoroughly and has chased all the balls that have be...

Evan learns admin

Today Evan was taught about fax cover sheets and faxing his own faxes. It took a bit of guidance from Brianna, but Evan eventually got the hang of it. He might need a bit more training before Evan can add admin skills to his repertoire, but he is getting there!

Justin moves on

Tonight was an emotional night at the weekly Foundation House meeting. Long time resident and previous Senior Resident Justin, is moving out tomorrow and tonight, we said goodbye. We welcomed staff, Cooper House guys and some alumni to the house as everyone thanked Just...

United Way Visit

Today members of the United Way team popped by Foundation House to chat with us about the great work Umbrella is doing in the community. The United Way has been a huge support of Umbrella and we always look forward to opportunities to chat with them and express our thank...

Victoria Sexual Assault Centre

Every Wednesday Umbrella has a team meeting, and we rotate the chair of the meeting among the staff. This week, Louise was our chair and she had arranged for Victoria Sexual Assault Centre to come and share more about the great work they are doing in the community. Sama...

Minister Judy Darcy

What a great meeting! Today, Sharlene and Evan had the pleasure to meet with the Minister of Mental Health & Addictions, Honorable Judy Darcy. Minister Darcy and her team have made some incredible strides in our fractured MHSU system, and there was some great conversati...

Our new office!

It took all day Friday and half of Sunday, but we have the new office set up and ready to go for Tuesday! This office was truly a community effort with support from our board, staff, residents, and community. There was some major magic that played a role in this move as...

IKEA building

Umbrella has been busy getting our new office all set up. We needed to enlist the help of board, staff and friends of Umbrella to get all the IKEA things together. As you can see Kelly and Sean were working hard while Evan was falling behind.. looking distracted by his ...